sport training

David has worked with some of the most respected athletes and coaches in the world.  Regardless of your level, David can design a program tailored to your goals.

The list below offers a brief summary of the performance-related services David offers.

Return From Injury. There are many challenges when it comes to returning from an injury; for some, there is a weakness or stiffness not fully addressed in formal physical therapy. Many want to return to running after injury. Others can’t jump as high, run as fast, or change directions as effectively after ACL tear recovery and rehab (maybe the ACL rehab exercises given weren’t enough). Others are simply filled with anxiety when thinking about their return. Each injury and return to activity and sport has its own challenge. David steps in after traditional physical therapy has ended and goes beyond the basic knee, ankle, hip and hamstring exercises to get you going.

Running. Our running program focuses on the four pillars of

  1. Proper strength
  2. Efficient form/gait/biomechanics
  3. Purposeful training (not just running to run)
  4. Motivation

Soccer Program. This program supplements what your coaches are doing with training to improve speed, endurance while simultaneously reducing your risk of injury.

Injury Prevention. Our unique Injury Prevention Program not only improves sports performance but reduces the risk of injuries — such as ACL tears and hamstring strains – as well.

Performance Analysis. To perform at the highest level, it is imperative that your movements are efficient and necessary. Our video analysis identifies wasted movements and we use that to teach proper technique.