I am a seasoned healthcare executive and physical therapist, offers expert consultation in program design, performance enhancement, and injury prevention. With over 25 years in sports medicine and rehabilitation, I combine clinical expertise with executive experience to deliver innovative solutions. I excel in developing rehab protocols, creating tailored training programs, and providing injury consultation for athletes at all levels. As a mentor, I guide students and professionals, sharing insights from my diverse career in clinical practice, research, and leadership. My unique perspective drives excellence in sports medicine and rehabilitation consulting.

David Potach

My goal is to help as many people as I can achieve their goals in sport, school, and life. I have worked with thousands of athletes, from runners to soccer players, gymnasts to dancers, undergraduate to doctoral students. In doing so, I have thoroughly enjoyed helping navigate the journey.

Building Resilient Athletes, Teams, and Careers

I’ve seen the incredible impact sports participation can have: teamwork, confidence, resilience, improved mental health, and so much more. These experiences shape not just athletes, but future leaders and successful individuals.

Participating in sport and exercise improves mental health, school achievement, and success in life.

But I’ve also witnessed the heartache that injuries and premature retirements can bring, severely impacting these well-known benefits. With sport- and exercise-related injuries reaching near-epidemic proportions, it’s crucial we address this issue proactively.

This is why I created “The Healthy Athlete Project.”

We know that we can reduce injury risk, yet many athletes don’t participate due to time constraints or cost. That’s why I’ve dedicated my career to making these programs accessible and tailoring them to individual needs. Whether it’s guiding an athlete through recovery, designing comprehensive performance enhancement plans, or mentoring the next generation of sports medicine professionals, my goal remains the same: to help all of us live healthy, active lives and perform to the best of our abilities.

This journey extends beyond individual athletes. I work with teams, departments, and organizations to build robust programs that prioritize both performance and long-term health. By sharing knowledge and fostering a culture of prevention and excellence, we can create environments where athletes thrive and achieve their full potential.

Let me help you and your team, your department, your children achieve your goals. Together, we can navigate the challenges of sports participation, minimize the risk of injuries, and maximize the incredible benefits that come from an active, healthy lifestyle.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your athletic journey, whether as a participant or a leader in sports medicine, I’m here to support you. Let’s work together to ensure that the joy and benefits of sports remain a lifelong experience.

Wishing you health, success, and the joy of movement,

David Potach
Board-Certified Sports Physical Therapist
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Fellow American College of Healthcare Executives

"How can I begin to express my sincere gratitude? In these last two months I’m not only had my physical recovery aided, but I’ve also had the rare opportunity to see compassion and sacrifice at its finest. David, I can’t say that I’m glad I injured myself in the first place, but I’m certainly honored to have met and worked with you."


"The time and effort you have put into my growth and intelligence as a plyer and a person is beyond anything I could have asked for. I am ten times stronger and faster than when I arrived. I owe a large portion of my success to them and their knowledge of athletics and injuries."


How Can I Help?

Sports Medicine Program Development

Designs cutting-edge sports medicine programs. Integrates medicine, PT, strength training, and admin expertise to optimize athlete performance and recovery. Building innovative, efficient, and clinically excellent programs.

Injury Consultation

Expert injury consultation for persistent issues. Virtual assessment to determine goals. Guides you to effective solutions, even when traditional PT falls short. Tailored plans for recovery.


Passionate mentor for PTs, strength coaches, and students. Virtual meetings to establish career goals. Provides tailored programs to achieve professional aspirations. Committed to guiding your success.

Performance and Injury Prevention Consultation

Performance enhancement and injury prevention expert. Virtual goal-setting, tailored programs for athletes. Boost speed, power, and resilience. Custom plans for optimal performance and reduced injury risk.

Consultation Requests

The path of learning never ends . . . let’s walk it together.

Where on this journey can I lend a hand?

Reach out with questions.

David Potach

You can also find me on Substack, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Thank you!

David Potach

The journey is better than the inn. ~Cervantes