
Professional Mentorship

Individual Mentoring

This is a single, one-hour mentoring session via Zoom or Webex. Prior to the initial session, you will send any information requested, determine an area upon which we should focus, and any other specific agenda items at least 48 hours before the session. Refer to this blog post for other tips.

During the session, we will narrow the focus and will establish an action plan.

You will be given homework to allow for concrete skills development.

Mentor Bundles

This is a group of one-hour mentoring session via Zoom or Webex. Prior to the initial session, you will send any information requested, determine an area upon which we should focus, and any other specific agenda items at least 48 hours before the session. Refer to this blog post for other tips.

During the initial session, we will narrow the focus and will establish an action plan.

You will be given homework to allow for concrete skills development.

Subsequent sessions will include a debrief with further guidance on next steps or additional homework.

Journal Club

One of my favorite types of meetings is a journal club. I enjoy participating and leading. (I just enjoy learning!) I wish I would have been able to be part of such sessions when I was either in school or as a new PT graduate. So much learning takes place!

The Journal Club mentorship involves David leading a one hour journal club session for your group via Zoom or Webex. Topics must be related to:

  • Sports Physical Therapy
  • Sports Injury Prevention
  • Strength Training and Conditioning
  • Run Coaching and Training
  • Orthopedic Physical Therapy

David can choose an article to discuss or you may choose one. The article must be available for all participants one week before the session.