
Achieving the FACHE Credential
Achieving the FACHE Credential

I am thrilled to announce that I have recently earned the prestigious FACHE (Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives) credential. This achievement marks a significant milestone in my career as a healthcare executive and reflects a pivot I made three...

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New Position
New Position

I am thrilled to share that I have recently accepted a new position as the Director of Rehab and Sports Medicine at Beth Israel Lahey Health (BILH). This opportunity represents an exciting new chapter in my career, and I am honored to be joining such a respected and...

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UKRunChat Podcast
UKRunChat Podcast

Last week I was honored to be interviewed on Joe Williams' UKRunChat Podcast. We discussed a variety of running-related issues, including common injuries and how to prevent them, running shoe prescription, running warm-up progression, and the role of strength training...

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Creighton EMR Course
Creighton EMR Course

This week was a bit of a whirlwind. I helped teach the Emergency Medical Responder course for Creighton University's first year Physical Therapy students in both Omaha and then at their new Phoenix campus. It was great to work with friends Terry Grindstaff, Kirk Peck,...

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Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy – Published!
Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy – Published!

After more work than I expected, Sport Injury Prevention Anatomy is finally published! Two years ago, Erik Meira and I were honored to begin writing a text on how coaches and athletes can reduce injury risk during sports participation. Well just last week, Sport...

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Rehab Things
Rehab Things

Expert-chosen Physical Therapy Equipment and Supplies, Sports Medicine Supplies, and Exercise Equipment to improve performance, rehab approach, and reduce your injury risk. Fast shipping and competitive pricing.

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Physical Therapy-Specific Mentorship Resources
Physical Therapy-Specific Mentorship Resources

Most of us start our professional journey wanting to get to the end as soon as possible. As logical as that might seem, it is shortsighted. These mentorship resources will show you that the experience matters and that the end is really just a new stage, not an ending.

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My Experiences with a Mentor
My Experiences with a Mentor

These mentors were really teaching me how to live my professional life. Without them, I would not be where I am today and I would not have experienced many of the things I have done thus far. These mentors are one of the reasons I believe in mentoring and why I enjoy being a mentor to so many others now.

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Online or In-Person Physical Therapy Mentorship
Online or In-Person Physical Therapy Mentorship

It used to be that online–or virtual–mentorship was viewed as radical and something both the mentor and mentee could not successfully navigate. Times Have Changed. We’ve seen a definite shift from technology as a barrier to overcome to technology as an extremely helpful aid.

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David Potach

The journey is better than the inn. ~Cervantes